Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about our PSMA certification and what it means. The Pennsylvania Septage Management Association (PSMA) is a non-profit trade association for onsite wastewater companies. PSMA’s mission is to protect the Commonwealth’s citizens and our industry through sound management, proper maintenance, and environmentally conscious disposal of wastewater.
This guide will help you care for your septic system. It will help you understand how your system works and what steps you can take as a homeowner to ensure your system will work properly. To help you learn more, you can consult the resources listed at the back of this booklet. A helpful checklist is also included at the end of the booklet to help you keep track of your septic
system maintenance.
If you are about to purchase a new home with a septic system, this homebuyer guide
is for you! This guide provides information homebuyers need to know before purchasing a home with a septic system (also known as an onsite wastewater system), how a septic system works, and the importance of having it inspected prior to purchasing a home. In addition, this guide provides information on everyday, preventative, and corrective maintenance for when you are living in your new home.
Learn about the components and function of on-lot wastewater systems and the regulatory system governing their use.